Launch a Girls Into VC Chapter
at Your College

Are you passionate about breaking down barriers in venture capital? Ready to lead a charge for more inclusive, diverse futures in finance and technology? We're looking for trailblazers like you to establish and lead Girls Into VC chapters across colleges and universities worldwide.

Why Lead a Girls Into VC Chapter?

  • Make a Difference: Spearhead the effort to close the gender gap in venture capital, providing a platform for young women in your school to learn, connect, and grow

  • Build Leadership Skills: Enhance your leadership, organizational, and networking abilities by running a chapter that makes a real impact

  • Connect and Network: Gain exclusive access to a global community of professionals, mentors, and fellow student leaders in the VC and tech ecosystem

  • Access Exclusive Opportunities: Participate in mentorship programs, pitch competitions, and workshops designed to deepen your understanding of VC and prepare you for a career in the field

Who We're Looking For

  • We seek motivated, visionary young women enrolled in an accredited 4-year college who are committed to fostering diversity in venture capital

  • As a chapter leader, you'll be at the forefront of creating a supportive community, organizing educational and networking events, and connecting members with opportunities in VC

Application Checklist

  • Completion of application form with personal information

  • Submission of current resume (not to exceed one page)

  • Completion of the following short answer questions, no more than 200 words

    • Share an introduction about yourself and your interest in starting a Girls Into VC chapter at your school

    • Describe a previous leadership experience. What did you learn from it?

    • Describe your vision for your university’s chapter of Girls Into VC. What do you want the club to accomplish in the first year and how do you plan to get there?

    • Tell us about a startup you find interesting and why?

  • Share relevant clubs that exist at your school

  • Commit to contributing 15 hours each week to leading the chapter

If you have questions, please email

Join us in empowering the next generation of female leaders in venture capital :)

Current Chapters

and more coming soon!