Girls Into VC Fellowship

The Girls Into VC Fellowship is the first educational venture capital program dedicated to young women. In each 10-week cohort, students learn about venture capital and the startup space, offering an immersive and interactive experience. Built around comprehensive activities, reading materials, and community engagements, the program helps aspiring VCs deepen their understanding of the industry, evaluate potential startups, and develop a strong professional network.

Applications are closed. Subscribe to our newsletter to hear when they next open!

Interested? Learn more!

Weekly Tasks:

  • Asynchronous Assignments: Throughout the Girls Into VC Fellowship, participants will immerse themselves in our workbook, engaging with the content and sharing insights or questions with the community. They'll actively participate in discussions and respond to peers' contributions, facilitated by community admins. (5 hours weekly)

  • Weekly Meetings: Our weekly meetings serve as a dynamic touchpoint for all participants in the fellowship. In these sessions, we dive into the content and reflections from the week's asynchronous tasks, fostering an environment of shared learning and mutual growth. Discussions revolve around various industry-centric topics, ensuring a broadened understanding of the venture capital landscape. (1 hour weekly)

  • Capstone: The program culminates in an investment simulation, creating an investment memo and term sheet.

Additional Details:

  • Duration: 10 Weeks from September 21th through November 16th Saturdays @ 10:30-12pm PT / 1:30-3pm

  • Cohort Size: 20 participants, divided into 4 or 5 groups

  • Meetups: Optional physical meetups will be arranged based on participants' geographical distribution

  • Restrictions: US-based only, high-school/college student and beyond

Who We're Looking For:

  • Genuine Curiosity: No previous experience in venture capital is necessary. We're seeking individuals with a sincere desire to learn and explore the world of VC.

  • Passionate Learners: If you're enthusiastic about understanding the intricacies of startups and investment, this program is for you.

  • Commitment to Growth: We value participants who are committed to personal and professional growth in this dynamic field.

Hear from some of our fellows

“Aside from learning a tremendous amount about the industry and key technical knowledge, [I] have been blown away and forever inspired by my peers, fellowship leaders, and guest speakers. I have begun to view venture capital as a pivotal agent of change in the issue areas that mean the most to me: educational equity, climate and agricultural technology, and health equity.”

“The Girls Into VC Fellowship was a wonderful experience. I was embraced into a community of ever-supportive and inspiring young women. Over the ten weeks, I built a foundational understanding of VC and dove deeply into the sector I’m passionate about. The program’s structure perfectly balanced exposure to multiple sectors while catering to my specific interests. Among my sector-focused cohort, my peers were eager to offer career advice and support my entrepreneurial endeavors. Through hands-on activities, including an investment simulation, I feel confident pursuing future VC opportunities. The fellowship is a safe space where we celebrate one another, share opportunities, and recognize that there are no wrong questions to be asked…. I would absolutely recommend the fellowship to any young woman eager to dive into VC…. This has been one of the best experiences of my life, thank you for making me feel like a part of something so much bigger than myself!

“The Girls Into VC Fellowship was a transformative experience that opened up a world of possibilities for me. Through the program, I gained invaluable insights into the venture capital industry, developed a strong network of inspiring women, and discovered my passion for empowering female entrepreneurs. The mentorship, resources, discussions, and investment simulations provided by Girls Into VC equipped me with the confidence and connections necessary to break into this field. I am now more determined than ever to make a positive impact in the VC space and support the next generation of female founders. As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I am excited to apply the knowledge and relationships I have cultivated through the fellowship. I plan to continue advocating for diversity and inclusion in the industry, while actively seeking opportunities to invest in promising female-led startups. The Girls Into VC Fellowship has not only changed my life but has also given me the tools to help change the lives of countless other women in the future. I am forever grateful for this incredible opportunity and the amazing community of supportive, driven, and inspiring women I now have the privilege of calling my peers.

“I am so so glad i stumbled across this program and decided to apply. There aren’t that many beginner friendly programs in VC so this fellowship will always have a special place in my journey.”

“Thank you to you for starting this. I remember applying to it just out of curiosity, but did not expect to find out that VC is something I genuinely want to pursue as a career down the line. The final project really forced me to jumpstart my journey with a business idea that I've had for a while, so I've started ideating, reaching out to my network, and planning the future direction of this potential startup! I'm really grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of this fellowship and to have met so many wonderful girls. Thanks a million!”

“I can’t tell you enough how much this fellowship & cohort has meant to me. The friends I have made here are some that I think will last a lifetime! This group is so unique & wonderful. I’m so grateful to be a part of girls into VC’s mission & I am so excited for the company’s future!”

“The Girls Into VC fellowship provided structure and support for learning about venture capital. I would look forward to each weekly session and making friendships. I left the fellowship with a meaningful community and cannot recommend the fellowship enough!”

“The knowledge I've gained and the family I've found in this community will be my foundation as I continue my journey in venture capital.”

“Thank you so much for an amazing fellowship! I have learned so much about the VC space and have made so many great connections. I was a little nervous at the beginning being one of the only high school students, but the community was amazing and so encouraging.”

"I began the fellowship with little knowledge of VC, but the sessions, speakers, and assignments helped me grow my knowledge over the 10-week period. Would recommend to anyone interested in VC and wanting to make a positive impact on the world!"

“I learned so much during this fellowship and especially LOVED the book. It literally answered every pressing question I had about VC and I'm glad to have that as a resource now.”

“Participating in the Girls Into VC Fellowship over the past 10 weeks has been an incredible experience. This fellowship allowed me to truly dive deep into the intricacies of venture capital. We started with the fundamentals, guided by Isabella Mandis's one-of-a-kind book, The ABCs of Venture Capital, all while gaining firsthand insight from incredible industry leaders…. The fellowship was interactive and immersive, allowing us to cumulate our learnings into an investment simulation and a final project, aligned with our individual passions.”

“The meetings and community at Girls Into VC have such a contagious energy to learn and grow together. It is such an honor to work along such bright ambitious minds!”

“Coming from a place where venture capital isn't widely taught, the Girls Into VC Fellowship was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It significantly boosted my VC knowledge and gave me the confidence to pursue a career in this dynamic field."

Our alumni