Girls Into VC Externship

Girls Into VC’s Externship Program connects members with female-led startups. As an extern, you will have the opportunity to engage in remote project work, providing valuable assistance to the startup of your choice. Upon completion, externs will present their final project to the respective startups.

Girls Into VC selects and matches companies and externs to ensure a mutually beneficial experience. Externs will work closely with and learn from accomplished founders. This hands-on and immersive experience will allow externs to gain real-life work experience and opportunities in an industry they are passionate about. The 6-8 week-long Girls Into VC externship program will provide externs with invaluable exposure and offer startups access to talented individuals

Applications are currently closed

Hear from some of our previous participants

It's been an amazing experience working with our extern… who has been a star , always so dedicated to the project and consistently produced very high quality work in terms of the market research and analysis that was delivered for our project. I was also so impressed by the Girls Into VC team - their commitment to the program and professionalism, and the structure they have put in place for the program. It was so well organized and made the experience seamless. Thank you so much [to our extern] and Girls Into VC team for working with us and for having us as part of the program!” — startup founder

“We absolutely loved working with [our extern]! She really helped us set our future goals based on previous data points she uncovered. On top of that, she was a total joy to work with" — startup founder

“I am beyond grateful to have been a part of the Girls Into VC externship. It was amazing to gain hands-on experience with a promising start-up, immerse myself in a professional learning setting, and to provide valuable work to [the company]. Thanks to Girls Into VC… I have a better understanding of what VC is, how it works, and I had the privilege to expand my community and support [the company in their] endeavors.” — extern